



Charlotte County has a history of flooding due to rainfall events a storm surge events. The following is a listing of dates in which Charlotte County residents have submitted flood insurance claims to the National 洪水保险 Program. The dollar figures reflected in the figures below include damage to county infrastructure, along with damages to homes and businesses.​

8月. 2023年的今天,飓风伊达利亚

9月. 2022年:飓风伊恩

9月. 2017年,飓风厄玛
估计5美元 to 6 million in damage to private and public resources caused by this powerful hurricane hitting Charlotte County as well as the majority of the State.​

10月. 2005年的今天,飓风威尔玛
Heavy rains of 4 to 8 inches caused urban street flooding and filled ditches to capacity.

8月. 2004年的今天,飓风查理
估计5美元.4 billion in damage to private and public resources caused by this powerful category 4 hurricane hitting Charlotte County and proceeding up the harbor to Desoto County.

Betwe​en 16” and 20” of rain fell across the county within a 24-hour period. 大约4美元.7 million in damages occurred to public infrastructure. 41 living units were affected with an estimated $50,000 in damage.

9月. 2001年的今天,热带风暴加布里埃尔
Direct hit from tropical storm caused widespread flooding along Shoreview Drive and Gulf Blvd. Significant flooding also took place in the 蓬塔戈尔达市. Over 300 homes were affected with minor-moderate levels of flooding. Estimated damages to infrastructure, residences, and businesses are between $4-6 million.​

9月. 2000年,戈登飓风
Passing Hurricane caused flooding in the Manasota Key area along Shoreview Drive and Gulf Blvd. Other areas included the Peace River shoreline area in Punta Gorda. 洪水保险 claims totaled over $132,584.02.

9月. 1999 -​ Tropical Storm Harvey (no landfall)
Passing tropical storm caused flooding in the Manasota Key area along Shoreview Drive and Gulf Blvd. Minor flooding occurred in a few homes. 洪水保险 claims were totaled over $21,592.40.

9月. 1998 - Hurricane Georges (no landfall)
Passing hurricanes caused abnormally high surf, causing beach erosion and threatening some homes, putting water in a few on Manasota Key; flood insurance claims of $3558.50.

9月. 1997 -雨量过大
Up to 10" of rain fell in Port Charlotte causing widespread street flooding in Charlotte County; some houses sustained water damage; $15,846.79 in flood insurance claims were paid out.

10月. 1996​ - Tropical Storm Josephine (no landfall)
部分街道发生水浸, Englewood experienced some flooding from high tide; high tide eroded beach and caused one home to fall into the water; $253,631.39 in flood insurance claims were paid out.

洪水ing caused by high tides coupled with blowing winds; flood insurance claims of $383,008.69人被支付.

​June 1992 - 洪水ing due to 6 days of rain
23.5" of rain fell in Murdock, 18" fell in Punta Gorda, and 28" fell in Englewood; approx. 据报道,损失达160万美元.

11月. 1988年的今天,热带风暴基斯
Approximately 2" of rain fell in Charlotte County; flooding occurred in Punta Gorda and other low-lying areas due to high tides coupled with a minimal storm surge. 洪水 insurance claims of $224,384.60人被支付.

9月. 1988 - ​Stalled front with excessive rain
首页s in Grove City suffered damages from flooding, none of which were uninsured; 11.5" of rain fell in Englewood, with 7.蓬塔戈尔达的5英寸和4英寸.在夏洛特港. 洪水保险索赔1,066美元.51.

8月. 1985 - Hurricane Elena (no landfall)
Storm surge caused flooding of up to 5' in some areas. 洪水保险索赔161,356美元.46人被支付.

洪水ing occurred in the 蓬塔戈尔达市. 洪水保险索赔7 967美元.89人被支付.

Several inches of rainfall along with a minimal, but damaging storm surge; approx. 10,965 acres of land flooded with salt water; approximately 1800 acres of land flooded with fresh water rain runoff; damage estimates approx. $1,000,000.

​June 1972 - ​Hurricane Agnes (no landfall)
5"-7" rainfall in Charlotte County; caused flooding of 3"-6" in parts of County; damages approx. $62,105.


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